Are you ready to own your gifts online and get PAID for them? Ready to show up with magnetic confidence and own your worth?

You're thinking about starting your business, or maybe you have.....and you know you desperately wanna make a lot of money from it and attract clients with magnetic energy...

Is this you?

You know you desperately wanna feel good about showing up, sharing your gifts......

  • You are worried that potential clients aren’t seeing what’s unique about you and your business? Or that you’re drowning in a “sea of sameness” in this coaching industry?

  • You are struggling with thoughts like 'What if I don't get any clients? What if they think I'm greedy? What if they hate me? What if they tell the whole world I'm no good? What if I really am no good?'

  • You're scared to show up on posts and stories or lives online with the REAL you

  • You're passionate but you don't know how to show that to your audience so they buy from you

  • You have a good strategy but are still experiencing mindset struggles of self doubt and imposter syndrome

  • Your ideal client isn't buying because YOU don't feel good about receiving money for your work

  • You're struggling with managing your desire for not sharing your whole life but sharing who you really are with your people

  • You have no idea of what to share online, or how (struggling to find the right balance)


Supercharge your confidence....

  • An 8 week group program with modules for you to start owning who you are, share yourself authentically online and builds magnetic energy to draw clients to you.

  • We will go deep into the mindset blocks that are in your way, no surface level stuff here that you've probably seen elsewhere and probably didn't work for you.

  • You have invested in strategy and it didn't work, you know there's something missing and when you tap into that, the confidence, money and clients will just naturally come.

"I Let go of external validation!"

Shahnila, Parenting Coach

Your coaching has been transformational!! So so worth it!! The techniques you used gave me such quick results and I was able to tackle my issues with ease! You helped me realise helped me realise everything I need is within me! Also, I don't need external validation.Thank you so much for impacting my life.

"Signed a client within a week!"

Megan, Coach

It was so insightful to realise that blocks from two experiences in my previous career that I've been holding onto without realising were blocking me. The visualisations and tools were also really amazing! And I can't believe I signed a client 1 week later!

"I get paid double that what I used to charge!"


Before working with Jamila, I didn't have confidence in my work. Within a few weeks of working with Jamila, I started getting contacted by big brands, but I still had fear of failing. Jamila taught me how to let go of that fear and show up in my business. I now work with brands that are willing to pay me double on how much I usually charge, and I feel confident in my work.

Hey there! I'm Jamila

Mindset & Money coach for female entrepreneurs

I wast stuck for a long time....struggled to share my gifts online confidently and get paid doing so, I was thinking who is going to take me seriously, why would people pay me and will I really offer a transformation, just like how you might be thinking. My life changed when I decided I'm not going to let these pesky mindset blocks stop me from going for my dreams and creating the impact and life I want. I dove deep into mindset and cleared out the blocks and self doubt that were keeping me stuck.....all whilst working 3 hour days....and 3xing my income in the first year alone! And I want that for you too! I want you to be so fully energized and excited with what you're doing, showing up with magnetism and energy that lures people in to work with you....all whilst working less (if that's what you want too!)

I can help you because I've been there, been stuck in self sabotage and self doubt and climbed my way out,

I have developed proven tools to help my clients and I bounce back with radical magnetic confidence and unapologetically own themselves as THE go to person in their industry.

I've seen hudreds of women who have incredible amazing gifts but are just too scared to share them or get paid for them, and I don't want you to be that person

"Blew me away"


I doubled my prices, worked through my money blocks and and showing up more authentically in the work I do! Sales just feel so easy now! Jamila is a great coach!"

"No more hustle"


"no more of that anxiety that paralysed me! No more struggle or exhaustion from chasing things. No struggle, hustle,

"Jamila was SPOT ON!'


"Jamila was SPOT on at discovering my limiting beliefs around money and what has stopped me starting my business and thriving with it"

Are you ready to banish those money and mindset blocks for good?


  • If you're constantly looking for the next strategy and think THAT will solve all your problems

  • If you're not truly ready to shine bright in front of your ideal clients and magnetise them to you, and you're

  • You are not ready to truly go deep and release the fears that are standing in your way, there is DEEP level work in SYG

  • You're fine underearning and not getting really paid your worth and the impact you can provide in client's lives


  • You're a driven motivated woman who wants to see her dreams come true, not just stay stuck in wishing about them

  • You're truly ready to shine bright in front of your ideal clients and magnetise them to you and you are so ready to get out of your own way and make that happen for you

  • You're willing to put in the work it takes to live up to your potential and share your gifts powerfully online

  • You're sick of feeling alone and want a supportive group of badass, likeminded, growth-oriented women alongside the journey with you

  • You're willing to get outside of your comfort zone so that you can become the most confident version of yourself

Are you ready to own your gifts online and get PAID for them? Ready to show up with magnetic confidence and own your worth?

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to SYG!

    • A message from Jamila

    • How to use this course (WATCH THIS!)

    • VIP 1.1 Sessions

  • 2


    • Calling in money meditation

    • Owning your power and Worthiness

    • Get Paid For Your Gifts


    • SYG Teaser call part 1

    • SYG Teaser part 2

    • BONUS SYG call 2

  • 3

    Module 1: Your Worth Is Never In Question

    • Your Worth...

    • Self discovery & Worthiness prompts

    • Week 1 SYG call recording part 1

    • Week 1 SYG call recording part 2

  • 4

    Module 2: Owning Your Gifts & Sharing From Your Heart

    • Owning Your Gifts & Sharing From Your Heart

    • Your unique essence

    • Your unique process

    • How to stand out online

    • Inner child- feeling fear

    • How to stand out online

    • Content Writing

    • Week 2 SYG call part 1

    • Week 2 SYG call part 2

    • Start Before You're Ready!

  • 5

    Module 3: Integration Week

    • Integration

    • SYG Call Part 1

    • SYG Call Part 2

  • 6

    Module 4: Consistently Showing Up

    • Consistently Showing Up- the journey....

    • Unwavering belief in yourself

    • Your edges and when you don't feel like showing up

    • Fear of judgement

    • Journalling prompts

    • SYG Call Part 1

    • SYG Call Part 2

  • 7

    Module 5: Money & Worth

    • Money & Worth- Undercharging and giving free coaching

    • Ancestral Money Wounds

    • Energy and Money

    • Creating Your Aligned Pricing

    • Money & Worth Journalling Prompts

    • SYG Call Part 1

    • SYG Call Part 2

  • 8

    Module 6: Integration Week

    • Integration

    • SYG Call part 1

    • SYG Call part 2

    • SYG call part 4 & tapping into your why and worth meditation

  • 9

    Module 7: Genuine Non Icky Selling

    • Sacred heart centred selling

    • Convincing energy and Objection Handling

    • Pre qualification process

    • Energetics of a Sales Call

    • SYG Call Part 1

    • SYG Call Part 2

  • 10

    Module 8: What to do When It's Not Working

    • What to do When It's Not Working

    • SYG Call Part 1

    • SYG Call Part 2

    • SYG Call Part 3

  • 11

    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • Before you go....

The extras you get are....

  • *Abundance Attract*

    You'll receive an abundance attraction meditation release any energetic abundance blocks and so many more meditations!

  • *Exclusive FB group support*

    Exclusive access to an intimate fb group for daily support, get all your questions answered, work through your struggles and mindset blocks AS they come up!

  • *Fear fighter*

    My proven method to recognise and release your fears with these amazing prompts that you can use over and over again.

Hey girl, I've been there...

An open letter to the woman thinking if this is really for her....

For so long I felt like I was hiding behind my veil, not truly owning who I was as a powerful transformational coach in the online space. I was a struggling entrepreneur not really full out in my business and constantly letting fear ride the show. Working through exactly what I teach in Supercharge Your gifts helped me raise my prices, be unapologetic about myself, my desires and the IMPACT I want to create in this world! I know this is truly possible for you too, if you get out of your own way, allow yourself to shine bright online and release the moneys tories holding you back.

Supercharge Your gifts Includes....

  • This offer includes...

    6 video training modules, course workbooks, meditations and visualisations, that will supercharge your gifts, intuition and self worth and money mindset. Over $3,000 worth of courses and bonuses.

  • 8 recorded GROUP CALLS

    8 recorded GROUP COACHING CALLS from the first live round of SYG & EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO ME in the private fb group, so get all your burning questions answered, battle those fears.


    LIFETIME ACCESS to the Trainings So That You Can Keep REPEATABLE processes to use when fear or self doubt, imposter syndrome strikes Go over the program again and agin and find even more breakthroughs as you uplevel!

How would you feel if you could....

  • Constantly draw in people who are excited about what you have to say and keep coming back for more! If your dms were flooded with thank you so much for talking about xyz, your post resonated with me so much! I can i work with you?

  • Approach ideal clients with ease and better still have them come to you because of your amazing content and way you share your gifts!

  • Shifted from playing small because you were always told you were too loud too much and intsead began owning your gifts and doing the work you passionately love and get paid for it!

  • People see you as an online leader and you fall asleep knowing that you’re making a difference in people’s lives.

  • Jump on sales calls or sell through the dms and not feel icky or sleazy about selling and feel WORTHY and delciously good about receiving money for your work!


  • Do you take payment plans?

    Supercharge Your Gifts is normally £1,999 but you will get it for £1497 (£500 savings!) If you’re unable to pay this up front (but want to secure the discount) you can sign up for PayPal Credit. You can use this to secure the discounted rate for SYG, and then pay PayPal back on your own time. No interest, and no payments due for six months. Or you can choose 3 monthly payments of £527 (dm me for the link for this)

  • Will SYG work for my niche/business?

    YEP! If your business or brand is focused on getting clients and customers to buy from you and requires a presence online, then it’s exactly what you need. I combine a cohesive mindset approach of working through your mindset blocks, wealth mindset and confidence in your abilities. This trifecta approach is applicable to any niche. If you are open to identifying and releasing your money blocks and owning who you are unapologetically and getting paid for it, it will work for you. The tools inside of the program are based on proven techniques that have worked for me and my clients.

  • Should I buy this product, or another product you offer?

    Are you surprised that I’m going to say - BOTH! ;) Truly the courses can exist separately, but they do perfectly complement each other. The Money Bundle focuses exclusively on money mindset in recognising, releasing and rewiring your money blocks through 3 short modules. But, what is that if you still don't believe in yourself and your gifts and services? See what I mean?

  • Do I have access to Jamila?

    SYG is has 8 recorded group calls from the first live round. These will be powerful hot seat coaching moments for you to see incredible breakthroughs But if you want to have a 1:1 session with me, my Money Breakthrough Session is an amazing addition to SYG- just message me on Instagram to book it or email me at [email protected]

  • Do I get lifetime access?

    You will have access to the course for as long as it exists. There are no plans for it to expire—if that changes, you’ll have 3 months’ notice beforehand.

  • What happens after I purchase?

    You’ll be emailed access to your online dashboard. This beauty includes bonuses and access to the modules which will be dripped weekly!

  • Do you offer refunds?

    As the content is available to you straight away, no refunds will be given

  • I have too many courses, will it still work?

    Yes, you only need 30- 60 mins a week to practice any of the tools in the program, plus you have LIFETIME access, so you can return to it again and again!

  • How is SYG different from other programs?

    I have not seen anything like SYG out there, combining confidence in owning your worth, asking for the sale confidently AND combining it with money mindset practices